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TPO refers to thermoplastic polyolefin, and is used as a common roofing material for commercial roofs. TPO is one of the most popular commercial roofing materials and consists of a three-layer, single-layer reflective roofing membrane; a TPO polymer base, a pinnacle layer made of thermoplastic polyolefin and a polyester reinforced core fabric. Some of the reasons you may need TPO roof repair or replacement include perforations in the membrane, degradation of adhesives due to UV damage, and general wear and tear due to age. At Paso Robles INC, we use TPO as one of our commercial roofing options and have had great success installing it in and around Paso Robles.

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Paso Robles INC is more than proven that it has the capacity and experience to perform a roof replacement on structures that are relics, since we assure you and your family's guarantee. Our company is fortunate to have been established in 1990, allowing you to not only grow in size over the years, but also grow in knowledge, experience, and gain valuable experience in the many facets the roofing industry has to offer. We pride ourselves on our ability to conquer the most challenging steep-slope roof replacement projects and take every precaution to ensure safety is the top priority on every job.

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At Paso Robles INC, we love instructing you to know that just like tile roofs, metal roofs offer a lot of variety. However, these options extend well beyond color or panel to include length, width, profile, shape, thickness, and more. A metal roof also tends to last longer, characterized by its high strength, impermeability and longevity, but it also has a higher cost than shingles.

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On some occasions you have sat there during a storm and seen how the gutters and downspouts in your house controlled all that water and diverted it safely out of your house, so you probably understand how important they are. Of course, most people have not done this. Most people don't even pay attention to their rain gutters, which is a problem for several reasons. Make sure your rain gutters and downspouts are constantly cleaned and inspected so you'll end up with the problem that can cause extensive damage that can cost you a lot of money.

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Wood shingles should be inspected every 2 years or so after being in your home for 10 to 12 years. Wood shingles (especially in the California area) will begin to show signs of sun deterioration. The wood will turn gray and even bend as a natural aging process, but fine stains called burns begin to develop. You may be able to see the felt paper through these burns which will eventually lead to holes in the felt and a leak. At Paso Robles INC, we have everything you need to be able to repair or install a new type of Wood Tile, make your appointment today for a totally free inspection.

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Rain Gutters

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30+ Years Experience In Roofing Service